#LoveWins: Rev. Frank Schaefer Keeps Credentials

schaeferYesterday, the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church upheld the decision of the Northeast Jurisdictional Committee on Appeals which results in Reverend Frank Schaefer keeping his ordination credentials. We at MIND are thrilled by this decision, especially for our dear friend, Frank, and his family. Without a doubt, this ordeal has been most burdensome on them and with this decision comes great relief.

Yet, even as we celebrate, we should also be aware that this NEVER should have happened in the first place. The complaint was born of malice and revenge. The Bishop of Eastern Pennsylvania showed a blatant disregard for justice and not once, but twice, placed legalism over love. Counsel for the church continued to argue that the church has no place for LGBTQ people.

While we can applaud the Northeast Jurisdiction on Appeals and the Judicial Council’s decision, we also have to cringe at the harm laid on queer people in heaps along the way. How can the church ever make right the spiritual and emotional maiming committed against members of her own body during this process?

All to say, there is work to do…lots of work to do in the name of justice and in the name of love. Thank God we have each other for this journey.

Sincerely Yours in Our Quest for Justice,

Sara Thompson Tweedy
Chairperson of Methodists in New Directions