Trailblazing the Liberation Methodist Church

“The Spirit of our God is upon us, because the Most High has anointed us to bring Good News to those who are poor…to proclaim release to those held captive…to cast vision for those who want to perceive God’s new thing …to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Liberator’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19).

MIND is a proud cosponsor of this event.
As the Holy Spirit pours out the New Wine, The Liberation Methodist Church is on the move, sewing up the New Wineskin. Liberationists are interested in radically reimagining the ways we relate to one another and the world.Liberations are forming a church where:
+ the marginalized are centered,
+ power is equitably distributed, and
+ we are free to act in solidarity with movements for justice.

+ DEFINE: Make the emergent Liberation Methodist Church visible and viable and develop its practical characteristics (including Leadership, Connectionalism, and Resources as identified at
+ BUILD: Continue the work of building a new expression independent from the UMC
+ ORGANIZE: Advance strategies of justice and liberation related to the 2020 General Conference and the UMC, including the N.E.W (New Expressions Worldwide) Plan

Friday, March 6th at 4pm and ends Sunday, March 8th at 4pm.
United Methodist Church of Preston Hollow
6315 Walnut Hill Lane
Dallas, TX 75230
[near Love Field Airport]

Sponsoring organizations: + UMC of Preston Hollow (Dallas) + Love Prevails + MIND + North Church (Indianapolis) + enfleshed + New Milford UMC (Connecticut) + Aboundant + Union UMC (Boston) +

A Statement on the Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation

    Our baptismal vows state that we “accept the freedom and power God gives [us] to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.” While we are grateful for the time and effort of those who worked on the Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation, we must at the same time acknowledge and resist the injustice and oppression embedded within it.

    Some feel relieved and even hopeful about the Protocol. The possibility of being free from the mean-spirited discrimination of the WCA (Wesleyan Covenant Association) is alluring, as is the possibility of seeing the anti-LGBTQIA language removed from the Book of Discipline.

    It’s important to remember that at the moment these possibilities remain just that: possibilities. Nothing has been decided yet, and the legislation related to the Protocol was released only today. The Protocol was developed in secrecy, and important details and questions remain unknown. This lack of transparency and shared power is one element of oppression. Another is the lack of POC+Q+T (people of color + Queer + trans) representation in the development of the Protocol. Still another injustice is the inequity of funding. Why is the WCA being paid so handsomely for holding the UMC hostage for decades, without being required to engage in repentance?

    MIND has not endorsed the Protocol. Once we have reviewed the legislation, we can say more. In the meantime, however, we issue a clarion call to remain focused on the work ahead. Regardless of what happens to the United Methodist Church, we must attend to the sacred calling to dismantle racism, sexism, heterosexism, transphobia, classism, ableism, and colonialism.

    We offer the following guiding principles as we navigate our way forward:

Embrace pastoral concern and advocacy, particularly for those whose very identities and lives are threatened by church-sanctioned heterosexism and transphobia.

Reject false equivalency, ie, “both sides are hurting.”


Embrace naming harm and discrimination; unmasking bigotry cloaked in piety, theology, or biblical interpretation.

Reject value-neutral tolerance. Falsely framing church-sanctioned prejudice as a mere difference of opinion between two parties with equal power and access.


Embrace an organized Queer presence in places of decision-making, undergirded by movement values and pastoral support.

Reject tokenization and isolation of Queer voices.


Embrace liberative relationality as both a goal and the means to achieve that goal.

Reject imposed categorization, ie, Conservative-Moderate-Liberal, or Traditionalist-Centrist-Progressive.


Embrace informed intersectionality as both a goal and the means to achieve that goal.

Reject a zero-sum game approach that frames racism, sexism, ableism, classism, ageism, heterosexism, and transphobia as competing agendas; divide and conquer dynamics.


Embrace unwavering commitment to gospel liberation for all and authentic Christian community.

Reject institutionalism. Seeking hope and salvation in legislation and back-room deals.


Embrace calling out publicly accountable leaders when they fail in word or deed to support the most marginalized; “calling in” those with whom we are in relationship when we see an opportunity to offer loving education, correction or guidance.

Reject shaming and blaming; placing ideological purity over pastoral concern.


Embrace following the example of Jesus by actively seeking and nurturing unheard voices. Bringing into community those who have not yet been invited to the table.

Reject status quo conversation, leadership, and voices.

The Advent Gathering

THE ADVENT GATHERING, a collaborative conference for United Methodists envisioning and working toward creating a new, liberated Methodist church, will take place at St. Andrew UMC Highlands Ranch, Colorado on December 3 & 4th, 2019.

MIND is proud to be a sponsoring organization of this event, along with St. Andrew UMC and UM-Forward. With conference participants from across the country, together we imagine a thriving and liberated church, one that actively lives out the Gospel while exemplifying Jesus’ radical love ethic of full inclusion and affirmation for all God’s beloved children.

The Advent Gathering offers laity, clergy, and organization leaders the opportunity to connect with others seeking affiliation in a new, vibrant expression of John Wesley’s Methodism. Participants will share resources and partake in discussions that will best equip clergy, laity, and congregations along their discernment journey during this time of transition and opportunity within the denomination. In addition, time will be spent preparing for and evaluating potential legislative outcomes of 2020 General Conference.

Living in a world enveloped with divisive politics and exclusionary tactics, Advent Gathering participants uphold God’s expansive and liberating love and an Open Table inviting all into Christ’s community. We believe in a church free from injustice, oppression, and institutional discrimination in which each and every human being is loved, accepted, and treated as God’s beloved and sacred child.

Advent Gathering participants affirm that all people—including Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual + persons (LGBTQIA+), people of color (PoC), disabled persons, and women—are created in the Divine Image, are of inherent sacred worth, and shall be fully included in the life, ministry, practices, and leadership of the church.

Those joining to collaborate reject any institutional policy that would deny the full participation of persons in the church based on age, nationality, race, class, culture, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, and ability.

Participants commit to upholding Methodism’s historic emphases on grace, personal holiness, and social justice, over and above loyalty to institutional identity.



UMForwardJoy Butler & Rev. Jay Williams

MIND, Methodist in New DirectionsRev. Melissa Boyer

St Andrew UMCSarah Davis & Rev. Akilah Bixler

St. Andrew United Methodist Church
9203 S. University Blvd
Highlands Ranch, CO/303.794.2683

The MIND Welcoming Church Program

Discerning Your Congregation’s Future?

We Can Help!

For the past eight years MIND has been assisting congregations in the complex process of discernment around issues of human sexuality and what it means to take a stand for justice and inclusion in today’s United Methodist Church. These issues have now reached a point of urgency for each local congregation. We have resources and experienced individuals who are committing their time and energy to helping congregations in this process.

Please contact Rev. Jeff Wells 917-604-5227 or email; or Rev. Scott Summerville 914-980-7176 or email for information and guidance.