Trailblazing the Liberation Methodist Church

“The Spirit of our God is upon us, because the Most High has anointed us to bring Good News to those who are poor…to proclaim release to those held captive…to cast vision for those who want to perceive God’s new thing …to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Liberator’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19).

MIND is a proud cosponsor of this event.
As the Holy Spirit pours out the New Wine, The Liberation Methodist Church is on the […]

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A Statement on the Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation

    Our baptismal vows state that we “accept the freedom and power God gives [us] to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.” While we are grateful for the time and effort of those who worked on the Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation, we must at the same time acknowledge and resist the injustice and oppression embedded within it.

    Some feel relieved and even hopeful about the Protocol. The possibility of being free from […]

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The Advent Gathering

THE ADVENT GATHERING, a collaborative conference for United Methodists envisioning and working toward creating a new, liberated Methodist church, will take place at St. Andrew UMC Highlands Ranch, Colorado on December 3 & 4th, 2019.

MIND is proud to be a sponsoring organization of this event, along with St. Andrew UMC and UM-Forward. With conference participants from across the country, together we imagine a thriving and liberated church, one that actively lives out the Gospel while exemplifying Jesus’ radical love ethic of full inclusion and affirmation for all God’s […]

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The MIND Welcoming Church Program

Discerning Your Congregation’s Future?

We Can Help!

For the past eight years MIND has been assisting congregations in the complex process of discernment around issues of human sexuality and what it means to take a stand for justice and inclusion in today’s United Methodist Church. These issues have now reached a point of urgency for each local congregation. We have resources and experienced individuals who are committing their time and energy to helping congregations in this process.

Please contact Rev. Jeff Wells 917-604-5227 or email; or […]

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Now Is The Time

MIND has organized two “how-to” sessions for individual laity and clergy and for Congregational representatives interested in helping their congregations in the process of becoming a Welcoming Congregation.

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