Join MIND Marching in the 2016 NYC Gay Pride March

Save the date: Sunday, June 26th

More information to come as we get closer to the date about meeting location and time. Gather your church groups and friends as we MIND and many other UMCs join together to march in the NYC Gay Pride March. Let’s join together in a prophetic witness. There will be singing, communion and of course fun!


We’re getting closer, but we aren’t there yet. Just ask the bisexual homeless youth on the Christopher Street Pier, the trans worker trying to achieve the American dream, or the gay refugee escaping certain death in his war-torn homeland. The Supreme Court’s affirmation of marriage equality marked progress in the national and worldwide LGBT movement, but it was not a finish line. Equality needs you now more than ever. In 2016, we are making sure that some of the world’s largest and most visible LGBT events are helping to amplify our continued fight. EQUALITY NEEDS YOU, and you can answer the call.

Why do you call it a March rather than a parade?

The first LGBT Pride was held on the first anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. It was an unpermitted, explicitly political protest of anti-LGBT policies and attitudes. Our commitment at Heritage of Pride is to continue recognizing our Pride event as a March until complete and full equality has been achieved for all LGBT people.

For more information contact MIND Gay Pride March Organizer Bruce Lamb.