Trailblazing the Liberation Methodist Church

“The Spirit of our God is upon us, because the Most High has anointed us to bring Good News to those who are poor…to proclaim release to those held captive…to cast vision for those who want to perceive God’s new thing …to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Liberator’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19).

MIND is a proud cosponsor of this event.
As the Holy Spirit pours out the New Wine, The Liberation Methodist Church is on the move, sewing up the New Wineskin. Liberationists are interested in radically reimagining the ways we relate to one another and the world.Liberations are forming a church where:
+ the marginalized are centered,
+ power is equitably distributed, and
+ we are free to act in solidarity with movements for justice.

+ DEFINE: Make the emergent Liberation Methodist Church visible and viable and develop its practical characteristics (including Leadership, Connectionalism, and Resources as identified at
+ BUILD: Continue the work of building a new expression independent from the UMC
+ ORGANIZE: Advance strategies of justice and liberation related to the 2020 General Conference and the UMC, including the N.E.W (New Expressions Worldwide) Plan

Friday, March 6th at 4pm and ends Sunday, March 8th at 4pm.
United Methodist Church of Preston Hollow
6315 Walnut Hill Lane
Dallas, TX 75230
[near Love Field Airport]

Sponsoring organizations: + UMC of Preston Hollow (Dallas) + Love Prevails + MIND + North Church (Indianapolis) + enfleshed + New Milford UMC (Connecticut) + Aboundant + Union UMC (Boston) +