Join Us for our Fall 2017 Meeting!

Time to Take a Stand!
This weekend is our fall organizing meeting at Memorial UMC in White Plains on Sunday, October 22nd from 3-5pm. We will be electing new officers and developing our plans for the coming year, plus coming together in fellowship and mutual support in what can often feel like an overwhelming cause. Highlights will include a full report and discussion with the Queer Clergy Caucus.

This can feel like an overwhelming time for LGBTQ people. As I write this, Rev. David Meredith is being investigated after 30 years of ministry for marrying his longtime partner and being open about his sexual orientation. The United States President has become the first in that office to address recognized hate groups with an anti-LGBTQ agenda, telling them “the times are changing back again.”

This is only a partial list. Challenges inside the United Methodist Church have been joined by increased attacks in civil society, legislative assaults on our rights, and open hostility and violence to women, minorities and LGBT people. We refuse to give in or be silent. We didn’t tolerate this before, and we aren’t tolerating it now. Please help spread the word, and we hope to see you on the 22nd!

Get Involved, Wherever You Are
The ultimate aim of our movement is to enable all of God’s children to feel welcome, at home, and affirmed in our denomination, in our annual conference, and in our local churches. Every local church needs to be in conversation about how it is (or is not, or can become) a place of welcome and safety.

At our October 22 annual meeting, one of our focus areas is a renewed emphasis on local organizing. We will have organizers working with individuals and congregations in every region of our annual conference. If you are interested in initiating conversation in your local church about inclusiveness, or in connecting with others in the movement in your area, please come to our annual meeting to learn more.

If you can’t make it but want to learn more, click here to send us an email. Let us know the name of your congregation, whether you want to work on organizing in your congregation or regionally. We will connect you with others locally who share the vision of a fully welcoming United Methodist Church.

Progress in this movement is made person-by-person. We hope you will consider joining in this vital work!